Thursday, May 2, 2013

Give Me Your Best...And Your Worst!

Well, it's official - Nightfire has now been out for a week! It has been an exciting, emotional ride so far and I'm loving every minute of it! I'm exhausted of course, but hard, play hard, right?

I really appreciate the love and support for this story. I'm feeling it more and more with each passing day, and I really can't thank my readers enough for making this such an awesome experience. It's truly amazing.

Now, if I can just ask one more favor from you, I promise I'll get back to the keyboard and continue writing so you can see what happens to Kaida and Sam and all of your other favorite characters.

Remember a few posts ago when I told you that I wanted your feedback - your HONEST feedback? Well, I wasn't just saying that for my health. Now that the book is out, I'd like to ask and encourage each of you to please take a few minutes and type up a review on Amazon. I cannot stress enough that this feedback should be your honest opinion, because I can't reach my full potential unless you tell me how I can improve. If you love the book, tell me. If you think it needs work, I need to know that, too. Heck, if you hate it, that's okay - tell me (just try to be as nice as you can be about it....I mean, I do have feelings, after all)!

One of my biggest pet peeves is seeing a self-published book with glowing reviews, only to pick it up and realize that it looks more like the author has published a rough draft rather than a strongly edited, best-it-can-be version of their story. Those reviews are doing the AUTHOR a disservice, not to mention those who choose to read the book based on the ratings. Self-published authors don't have the luxury of a professional editing team (among other things), so a lot of the feedback that we will get is that which our readers give us. As I've said before, it's SO important. If you want to share your opinion with me but don't feel comfortable posting it online for everyone to see, I still want to hear your voice - please e-mail me at

So, give me all you've got. I'm ready for it, and I thank you in advance for allowing me to be the best writer author I can be!

If you haven't already purchased your copy of Nightfire, click on the link below to get one now! Available in Kindle and Paperback.

Until next time...

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